Since 1982 Branch office in Zambia Uganda Ethiopia

Kodi mukudziwa ntchito vingoma chimanga processing mafakitale?

Maize processing mankhwala kwa mitundu 3000, makina processing chimanga n'chofunikira zikuluzikulu!

Maize in China's production area is just after the rice, wheat, although the nutritional value is lower than other grains, but its scope of application is very wide, not only fresh for eat, but also can be processed into starch, alcohol and other food, medicine, industry and other fields .At the same time, maize deep processing of infinite possibilities and good market, but also to the relevant food machinery opportunities and challenges.

1.maize mafakitale

Maize processing mafakitale

Maize processing ntchito ndi lonse:

Maize is not only people's rations and "feed king", is also an important industrial raw materials, can be processed into more than 3,000 kinds of industrial products. maize processing industry is characterized by large processing space, industrial chain is long, the product is extremely rich, including starch, starch sugar, modified starch, alcohol, enzyme preparations, condiments, medicinal, chemical and other eight series, but mainly starch and alcohol, Other products are the deeper products of these two products or the production of by-products, these deep processing of products or by-products of its value is very high that has a high value-added, then can bring high profits.

2.maize kupanga wowuma chimanga

Maize kupanga wowuma

Maize as raw material to produce starch, can get the best chemical composition, the lowest cost of the product, the value of more than a few hundred times the original value of maize, widely used in paper, food, textile, pharmaceutical and other industries. Alcohol produced from maize starch as a raw material is a green "clean fuel" that is likely to be used in the 21st century to replace traditional fuels.

3.maize kupanga vinyo chimanga

Maize kupangira vinyo

Maize ndi waukulu zopangira mowa mafakitale ndi shochu. Pali mitundu yambiri ya njira processing tirigu: yonyowa umapezeka njira ndi mbewu mu njira kuchepetsa sulfite zilowerere 40 maola 60; youma umapezeka njira ndi kugwiritsa ntchito kutsitsi kapena nthunzi kufupikitsa tirigu yonyowa; nayonso mphamvu ndi wowuma mu shuga, kuphatikiza yisiti otembenuka shuga mowa.

Nato processing wa chimanga ndi chinthu chofunika kuti vuto la ulimi, akumidzi ndi alimi. Mwachitsanzo, mukhoza kuchotsa zamera-mowa, kuchita mowa ndi chimanga kuthetsa mavuto mphamvu. Chitsanzo china: chimanga nyongolosi chakudya, mowa nyongolosi chakudya chakudya, chimanga pepala kutsitsi, maso chimanga, chimanga gilateni chakudya, chinangwa ndi zina zotero.

Using high-tech bio-engineering technology, maize starch deep processing, extract the nutrients of maize ----- high-energy oligosaccharides. Isomaltooligosaccharide is the most excellent variety of high-energy oligosaccharides, it is the deep processing of starch sugar products, in high temperature and pressure by decolorization, ion exchange, concentrated from. One is to provide the necessary nutrients to the human body; the second is to help the body of bacteria rapid propagation, enhance resistance, especially for intestinal flora health help.

Chimanga kupanga ufa wa chimanga. fakitale yathu Shijiazhuang Hongdefa Machinery Co., Ltd ndi akatswiri chimanga mphero makina kuyambira 1982! ife kupereka mkulu khalidwe makina 5 mpaka matani 500 patsiku ndi kapangidwe osiyana siyana malingana ndi zofunikira kasitomala wathu, ndi luso European, ndondomeko chimanga South Africa, China ndondomeko tirigu, falitsani wapadera ndi nzeru chimanga mphero mbewu.

4.maize kupanga ufa wa chimanga

Maize processing mzere

1. Input maize --cleaner--maize moisture dampener --degerminator--roller mill--plansifter--super maize meal/special maize meal/maize grits,corn flour--packing.

2. Dongosolo control: Control gulu ulamuliro kapena PLC kulamulira.

3. chitoliro mu gawo mphero ndi zosapanga dzimbiri.

4. Auto wodzigudubuza mphero plansifte.

5. Japan Degerminator luso.

6. European Ulili dampener.

5. 30tpd chimanga ufa mphero makina

30t / 24h chimanga mphero makina, akuthamanga Tanzania / Kenya / Angola / Zambia / Tanzania ndi zina zotero mayiko.

6. 50t chimanga mphero chomera

50t / 24h ufa wa chimanga mphero makina akuthamanga mphero ku Kenya / Zambia / Tanzania.

zida processing kumakhudza imafika khalidwe chimanga

Maize makampani kwambiri processing kumafuna osiyanasiyana potengera ndi malo, kusowa kwa zipangizo ofanana mukhoza kulingalira. Ndi patsogolo sayansi ndi luso, kukula kwa adzasowa chakudya, makampani chimanga unyolo akupitiriza kutalika, gwero magwiritsidwe Mwachangu akuchulukirachulukira, chiwerengero cha zida processing chimanga wakhalanso likukula. Pa nthawi yomweyo, chimanga zida processing chitukuko ntchito sikelo komanso kumawonjezera, kupanga mankhwala komanso ayamba wovuta.

Iwo ankadziwa kuti ndondomeko zofunika zida processing chimanga ndi njira thupi, mu ndondomeko ya zipangizo ndi mtundu wa chimanga kukakomana ndi luso losiyana processing luso la amafuna chimanga ndi chinyezi wokhutira komanso ndife osiyana. Pansipa magawo zidzapangitsa kuti chimanga ufa mlingo ufa ndi otsika, chifukwa mu zinyalala chimanga, kuposa zipangizo zofunika zidzakhudza zipangizo ndi Chalk moyo. chimanga zosiyanasiyana ndi, mnyontho ndi quality, etc. zosiyana kwambiri kusiyana pa luso processing chimanga ndi mankhwala khalidwe ndi wokondwa kwambiri.

Pofuna kuti chimanga yabwino kwa processing, kuti akwaniritsa zofunikira za amasokoneza processing chimanga, kotero kuti mlingo wa ufa ndi processing khalidwe lonse kumapangitsanso ntchito njira sayansi ayenera kukhala chisanadze processing a zinthuzi yaiwisi , zida processing ndi chimanga zida processing ndi luso processing ndi luso processing ziyenera kuchitika mu malo, monga lamulo chinyezi, zowongolera nthunzi, kuyanika ndi zina zotero.
7.maize ntchito lonse

Maize ntchito lonse

Tsogolo, ayenera kutenga zinthu zina kulimbikitsa chitukuko thanzi la zoweta makampani kwambiri processing. Choyamba, boma ayenera kutsogolera malamulo mofulumira zida processing chimanga makampani mankhwala kapangidwe kusintha; Kachiwiri, mwamphamvu amalimbikitsa athandizira otsika, kuipitsa yaing'ono chimanga nyani kumera wa luso ufa wa chimanga ndi zida; kachiwiri, chitukuko chitukuko chimanga wowuma mozama ndi mabuku magwiritsidwe Technology ndi zida; Pomaliza, ntchito yogwira luso chimanga wosabadwayo, kupanga mankhwala mafuta chimanga.

Maize; maizeprocessing; maizeindustrial; maizemill; maizeflourmill.

Post nthawi: Jul-29-2019